
Retro 1950’s Baby Shower

by Jessica


When one of my girlfriends announced that after a year of trying she and her husband were pregnant, we were all very excited for her. The next announcement caught us a little more by surprise – my friend was a VP at a local company, and was going to give it up to be a stay-at-home mom. While we respected her decision, we also teased her unmercifully about living in the 1950’s, a joke which she and her husband found very funny. Then it hit me – what a great idea for a theme baby shower!

The baby shower was to be co-ed, which made the theme a little mor obvious. Everyone dressed in costume – women in retro dresses and men in suits with slicked hair. During the party we “seperated” with the men smoking cigars out on the patio and the women sitting around sipping coffee. We played Glen Miller and served a pot roast. We even researched and played some old-school baby shower games.

All in all it was a wonderuul party. While the gifts were modern, everything else transported us to another time for the evening. Like me most of my friends are not big fans of traditional baby showers, so getting everything from the people to the food and music into the theme of things was a great idea. I suggest it for your next baby shower!!

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Retro 1950’s Baby Shower

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Nov 02, 2009

Games anyone?

by: Anonymous

Sounds like you had a great time, which is great news because my friend and I are throwing the same party for my sister.

I was wondering, what games did you play?

Thank you

Jun 27, 2008

My thoughts…

by: Sonya

Wow! That must have been a big step for her to walk away from a VP position. But I completely understand why she made that decision.

If I could, I would definitely choose to be at home with my child over having to work every day.

As for the 1950’s theme, it’s very creative! I’ve never heard of this theme being used befor for a baby shower. But nowadays, you can take pretty much any idea and turn it into a theme for a party.

Sounds like you guys had fun!

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